• Ph. +62(21) - 22664381 | Fax +62(21) - 26081263
  • Email info@mahakam.co.id

About Us


MAHAKAM is a pesticide brand name that produced and formulated by PT. Tiga Muara Emas Makmur engaged in Chemical Agriculture.

The developments in the world of agriculture, pesticide have an important role to keep the plant from living organisms that interfere, whether animals or plants ( weeds ) and to optimize the plant to get best result for agriculture and plantations.

PT. Tiga Muara Emas Makmur is a national company with the product name MAHAKAM. Beginning with the formulation, production, and distribution of agrochemicals across the country, our dream to help agricultural and plantation for even better. So we did not stop to continue innovate to provide the best for the farmers and users of our products.

PT. Tiga Muara Emas Makmur currently have pesticide products consisting of fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, rodenticides and ZPT, which is now used by farmers, private or state-owned plantations throghout Indonesia. We not only produce and distribute our products, but also provide optimal service to farmers and pesticide applicatiors with education of using pesticide and safety.

With innovation, dynamic and high committed formulations, we believe, we are able to understand and appreciate the needs of farmer and pesticide applicators, so we can move forward to grow and establish cooperation with distributors, users of pesticides, and farmers throughout Indonesia.
Mahakam Company Logo


Became the best national agrochemical company that reliable and professional in providing high quality products and international standards for Indonesia farmer.


Be a leader in delivering high-quality products and affordable to the needs of Agriculture in Indonesia for the creation of a good productivity.


Our company value and culture


Manusia : Menghormati perbedaan pendapat dan saling menjaga satu sama lain dalam melakukan bisnis perusahaan.

Antusias : Bekerja keras, bekerja pintar serta presisi dalam menjalankan bisnis perusahaan.

Hasrat : Dengan sikap teguh dan optimis, kami semangat untuk terus berkembang dan menerima tantangan untuk menjadi terdepan.

Aktif : Ikut serta dan terbuka untuk memberikan ide – ide yang membangun kembang perusahaan.

Komitmen : Memiliki rasa tanggung jawab dan kebersamaan untuk bekerjasama dengan mitra.

Analitis : Senantiasa berpikir cerdas dalam menghasilkan perbandingan dan menarik kesimpulan dengan hati – hati.

Moral : Memiliki sikap dan sifat yang baik dalam bekerja.


M = Mengedepankan visi dan misi perusahaan

A = Antusias menjaga sinergi dengan lingkungan sekitar dan alam

H = Handal dalam memberikan solusi

A = Aktif selalu dalam berinovasi dan penerapan teknologi terkini dalam formulasi

K = Komitmen tinggi untuk memberi yang terbaik

A = Analisa dalam berpikir cerdas dan kritis

M = Menjaga kepercayaan dalam hubungan bisnis demi terciptanya kerja sama yang baik

Confused? Need more info?

Calm down. We are here to help you out. Don't hesitate to contact us. We gladly help.

MAHAKAM - PT. Tiga Muara Emas Makmur
Mahakam is a pesticide product name that produced and formulated by PT Tiga Muara Emas Makmur focused on Chemical Agriculture.

 Logo mahakam botton
MAHAKAM © 2017 - Agro Chemical Company
Muara Karang Raya Blok Z - 4S No. 22 - 23,
Kec. Penjaringan Kel. Pluit
North Jakarta, DKI Jakarta - Indonesia 14440


Our doors are always open for you

Monday   -------------   08.00 - 17.00





Saturday   -----------   08.00 - 14.00

Sunday   -------------   Closed


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